What is Simuscle ?
Simuscle is a software which relalise the computation part of the 3D Pipeline. It is centered around creature and character simulation. My goal is to gather all the require tools for making CFX (Creature/Character Visual Effect). For now, I focus on musculo-squeletal simulation but I also plan to integrated hair and cloth simulation in it. The input data, is an animation of a musculo-squeletal model of a creature, and Simuscle will compute the mesh cache to be render.
Free and compatible with Blender
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Blender add-on to create musculo-squeletal system.
Simuscle is designed to be used with Blender. I want Simuscle to bring musculo-squeletal simulation to Blender comunity.
Human assets disponible and ready to use
For testing and my personal uses, I set up a human body musculo-squeletal system, ready to simulate. Simuscle can be use for simulate any creature animation you want. You will have to create the muscles and the squeleton.
Technical aspect
Simuscle is done using OpenGL, and Dear ImGui, in C++. The Geometry done in Blender will be imported to Simuscle. Once the computeation is done, the geometry is exported to .pc2 or .mdd so Blender will be able to load the solution in the cache.
The web-site is in progress, and some of the vidéo or photo aren't realated to Simuscle. The header video is a real film and is not done with simuscle. It allow me to visualize the kind of sytle I am looking for my web site.